Getting Periods and Pregnancy

I got my period, but I am still pretty sure I am pregnant. Is this possible?

Possible? Yes. Probable? No.

Some women, a small minority, do experience regular bleeding throughout a pregnancy. It is not their period, but rather pregnancy-related bleeding that looks like their period. Often, bleeding in pregnancy can signify a placenta issue (such as placenta previa). Sometimes the bleeding indicates a threatened miscarriage. Sometimes the bleeding is benign and the cause is unknown. Bleeding during pregnancy should always be reported to the doctor immediately to rule out any problems.

Now... you posted this question because you got your period but you still think you are pregnant. I'll assume you've done the obvious, which is pee on a stick, and ended up with a BFN. Statistically, the odds are that you are not pregnant. However... peesticks are not 100% accurate. The only way to be certain about your pregnancy status is to have a blood test done.

Some doctors will scoff at the idea of doing a blood draw if you've gotten BFNs on home pregnancy tests. I've heard plenty of stories from women who were denied the blood test and required to do a peestick test at the doctor's office instead. If your OB/GYN does this to you -- ask your family doctor for the blood test instead. Sometimes they don't have as strict of a policy on pregnancy testing protocols as OB/GYNs do (who, in their defense, probably get at least dozen calls a day from women thinking they are pregnant, but keep getting BFNs - and 99% of those women aren't pregnant.)

So... to answer your question, YES. It is possible to get (what appears to be) your period but still be pregnant. It is even possible to get your period AND get BFNs, and still be pregnant. If it weren't possible, TLC wouldn't have been able to make their "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" series. But, hey, those women are so unusual that they made a television show about them.