BBT and Insomnia

I am trying to chart, but I have a 11-month old that co-sleeps with us. He doesn't sleep very well - and wakes for nursing several times throughout the night. So I never get the three or four solid hours of sleep recommended to take my BBT accurately. Should I even bother charting?

You aren't alone. Lots of moms find they don't sleep more than a couple hours at a time - especially if they have young children who nurse throughout the night or need some extra attention to get to sleep and stay asleep.

The key to successful charting is to try to be as consistent as possible. Take your temperature at roughly the same time every morning and under the same conditions. The odds are, you'll see a pattern. (But if you are nursing, you may not be ovulating... but don't let that stop you from nursing! You'll drop an egg when your body is good and ready.)